
Jordan is a land full of history. It has been home to some of humanity's earliest settlements and villages; housing hidden relics of the world's great civilizations.

As a crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus; connecting Asia, Africa and Europe. Since the dawn of civilization, Jordan's geography has given it an important role as a conduit for trade and communications; connecting east with west. Jordan continues to play a key role in geopolitical affairs.

A safe haven in a conflict-ridden region, Jordan has delighted visitors for centuries with its World Heritage sites, friendly cities and inspiring desert landscapes.

ancient hospitality

Jordan has a tradition of welcoming visitors: caravans of camels traveled the legendary King's Highway carrying incense in exchange for spices, while Nabataean traders, Roman legionaries, Muslim armies and zealous crusaders passed through the land, leaving behind impressive monuments. . These monuments, including Roman amphitheaters, Crusader castles, and Christian mosaics, have fascinated later travelers in search of antiquity and the origins of the faith. The tradition of hospitality to visitors remains to this day.

Petra: a wonder of the world

Petra, the ancient Nabataean city nestled in the heart of Jordan's sandstone escarpments, is the crown jewel of the country's many antiquities. Ever since explorer Jean Louis Burckhardt brought news of the Pink Necropolis to Europe in the 19th century, the walk along the Siq to the Treasury (Petra's defining monument) has impressed even the most travel-weary visitors. With sites thrown over a vast rocky landscape and a mood that changes with the changing light of dawn and dusk, this is a highlight that rewards a longer visit.

desert landscapes

Take a stroll through Wadi Rum at sunset and it's easy to see why TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was so drawn to this land of eroded sandstone and reddened dunes. But Jordan's desert landscapes are not limited to the southeast: they encompass a salty sea at the lowest point on earth, canyons flowing with seasonal water, oases of palm trees, and explosions of spring flowers scattered across arid hills. Viajes Diva helps you with minimal planning and a modest budget to start the trip of your dreams.

safe haven

It takes tolerance to host endless waves of newcomers, and Jordan has demonstrated that virtue amply, absorbing thousands of refugees from the Palestinian territories, Iraq and, most recently, Syria. Despite dealing with this and a large number of tourists who are often insensitive to Jordan's conservative values, rural life in particular has managed to maintain continuity with the traditions of the past. While Jordan faces the challenges of modernization and increasing urbanization, it remains one of the safest countries to get a taste of the quintessential Middle East. The Dead Sea is one of the greatest attractions in Jordan