Viajes Diva India respeta profundamente y protege celosamente su privacidad. Nuestra poltica de privacidad estandarizada garantiza que toda la informacin de identificacin personal (cualquier informacin, como nombre, direccin y nmero de telfono que pueda identificarlo) que deje en nuestro red de sitios web es segura con nosotros.
Tambin puede navegar por nuestra red de sitios sin dejar ninguna informacin personal. Aunque rastreamos la direccin de Internet de las personas que nos visitan, con el fin de analizar estadsticas y comprender tendencias esto no incluye ninguna informacin de identificacin personal. Para que pueda navegar por nuestra red de sitios permaneciendo completamente annimo.
VIAJES DIVA INDIA no vender, comercializar ni divulgar a terceros ninguna informacin derivada del registro o uso de cualquier servicio en lnea (incluidos nombres y direcciones) sin el consentimiento del usuario o cliente (excepto segn lo requiera una citacin, orden de registro u otro proceso legal o en el caso de dao fsico inminente al usuario u otros). Alguna informacin (como su nombre, fecha de viaje, etc.) se comparte con nuestros proveedores (como hoteles, transportistas, etc.) con el fin de confirmar su registro y proporcionar el servicio que necesita.
En VIAJES DIVA INDIA condenamos el acceso no autorizado y el uso indebido o la divulgacin de su informacin personal y tener pautas de poltica estrictas y tecnologa con caractersticas de seguridad para evitarlo. En caso de cualquier alteracin / enmienda en nuestra poltica de privacidad, la misma se publicar aqu junto con nuevas fechas para entrar en vigor.
Si necesita ms informacin sobre la Poltica de privacidad de VIAJES DIVA INDIA, envenos un correo electrnico a con Poltica de privacidad en el campo de asunto. VIAJES DIVA INDIA intentar responder a todas las inquietudes o consultas razonables dentro de los cinco das hbiles posteriores a la recepcin.
1.1 VIAJES DIVA INDIA website (Website) is an internet based travel portal owned and operated by VIAJES DIVA INDIA a destination management company incorporated under the laws of India, with its registered offices at Delhi.
Viajes Diva India
A-1/525, Batla House, Okhla. New Delhi 110025. INDIA.
(Viajes Diva India registered trade mark & strategic business unit of INDIAN TRAILS SOURCING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED)
G-57, Sector 6. Noida 201301. Uttar Pradesh. INDIA.
1.2 Through the Website, VIAJES DIVA INDIA shall provide you (User) travel-related information, pricing, and reservations for hotels, holiday packages, airlines, car rentals across India (Services), as more particularly described and defined in the terms of service (TOS) relating to such Services. These Services may be availed by the User, his family members, relatives and friends in India at any time during the year through vendors (Service Providers).
1.3 This User Agreement (Agreement) elaborates the terms and conditions on which Viajes Diva India shall provide the Services to the User through its website networks. In addition to this Agreement and depending on the Services opted for by the User, the User shall be required to read and accept the relevant TOS for such Service, which may be updated or modified from time to time by VIAJES DIVA INDIA Such TOS shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement and in the event of a conflict between such TOS and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
1.4 Transaction on the VIAJES DIVA INDIA Websites network is offered to the User on condition of acceptance without modification of all the terms, conditions and notices contained in this Agreement and the TOS, as may be posted on the Website from time to time. It is clarified that use of the Website (site network) by the User constitutes an acknowledgement and acceptance by the User of this Agreement and the TOS. In case of disagreement with terms, conditions and notices or any part of the same, the User must not transact on the Website.
1.5 Additionally, the Service Provider may provide terms and guidelines that govern the service(s) offer or a particular feature of the same or the operating rules and policies applicable to each Service (for example: tour package, hotel reservations, flights etc.). The User shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the terms and guidelines or operating rules and policies of the Service Provider with whom the User elects to deal, including terms and conditions set forth in a Service Providers fare rules or contract of carriage. In the event of conflict between part/whole of the terms, conditions and notices contained in this Agreement (TOS) and the additional/other terms and guidelines specified by the Service Provider the latter terms/guidelines shall prevail.
1.6 VIAJES DIVA INDIA, at its sole discretion, Reserves the Right Not to Accept Any Order Placed by the User through the Website without assigning any Reason Thereof. Any Contract To Provide Any Service By VIAJES DIVA INDIA is Not Complete until Full Money towards the Service Is Received from the User and Accepted by VIAJES DIVA INDIA.
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